Sharing vulva diversity since 2006!
Age: 36
It was really only up until a couple of years ago that I was convinced I wanted a ‘labiaplasty’ (labial trimming, for those who don’t know). I was ashamed of my vulva, I thought I was abnormal and I coveted the neat and tidy ‘Beetle bonnet’ look. Thankfully, a trusted male friend convinced me that all women look different ‘down there’ and that having prominent juicy lips is actually seen as attractive. I had no idea.
So, I stepped back and had a word with myself. This culminated in me feeling quite angry that I had even considered mutilating myself. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO CUT OFF SOME OF THE MOST SENSITIVE PARTS OF MY BODY?
When I first heard about the Great Wall of Vagina, at first I laughed at the brilliant play on words, then I was intrigued. After looking at the pictures on the website, I felt strongly that this was such a powerful creation, that I wanted to be part of it.
I told a couple of girlfriends about it prior to being cast. Oh, and Facebook.
I didn’t tell my boyfriend as I wanted to get a copy of the cast as a surprise for him.
A treasured girl friend accompanied me for the casting; she already knew Jamie from having her torso cast, so she was the perfect person to give me moral and immoral support. I wasn’t nervous at all. Just quite excited. Jamie was great; he made me feel totally at ease and we shared a little naughty sense of humour, which helped lighten the potentially undignified situation. Jamie even helped to ‘rearrange the furniture’ to help me look my best. It was quite a pleasurable experience, although not sexually arousing. Liberating really.
There have been no negative after effects of being cast. Rather, I’m left with a sense of pride. Being cast has made me more confident about the appearance of my vulva. The danger is I may be getting it out more frequently than is appropriate!
Most people think it’s a positive thing to have done. Some are ‘rather you than me’. And some just make funny faces.
I can’t wait to see the Great Wall of Vagina once it’s finished. I hope all of my friends will share in my pride and joy at being part of this great art project. I have no problem with my vulva being looked at by people around the world – it is anonymous after all! Although I, and those close to me, will hopefully be able to recognise my distinguishing features!
I do hope more women can be liberated as I have been.
Vulva love. Bring it on.
Thank you, Jamie, for starting a ‘Vulvalution’!
It was really only up until a couple of years ago that I was convinced I wanted a ‘labiaplasty’ (labial trimming, for those who don’t know). I was ashamed of my vulva, I thought I was abnormal and I coveted the neat and tidy ‘Beetle bonnet’ look.